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marked cards - how to mark playing cards ( not for cheating gambling or casinos) X

Marked Cards using NU-CONcept Stealth Technology (TM)

You can fly undetected by the the radar of other card experts

Learn how to make your own marked cards which are more deceptive than professional pre-marked cards!

Literally as simple as writing or drawing

NU-CONcept presents the finest in "shade" marked card technology

for the most popular playing cards as well as KEM


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All photos of NU-CONcept Marked Cards and text on these web pages are copyrighted 2001 ©

Features / advantages of Luminous Shade Markings

Luminous markings are undetectable
by the naked eye, 
even if you know were the marks are.

  • Only you can see what every playing card is in the deck by looking at the back of the cards.
  • Without using the "gimmick" nobody can see the marks on the cards, even you !

Do not use NU - CON cept Luminous daub / Paste in any casino

  • The NU-CON cept Marked Cards can not be detected with the infamous "Riffle Test" which casinos and gamblers "in the know" use to detect standard marked cards.
  • Since the markings cannot be seen by the naked eye or by wearing  standard sunglasses,  recently, some casinos started to protect themselves by using special filters (on the casino floor and on their cameras) to detect this type of marking. You will be able to spot these casinos once you understand the scientific principle behind these cards.

NU - CON cept Luminous daub /  paste
Use on any red-backed deck of cards

(NU-CON cept Luminous Marking Paste (as opposed to the formulated "solution") can be applied to Bicycle, Bee,  Tally Ho or Hoyle playing cards while in use. The deck does not have to be yours. This marking paste can only be seen by you when  activating the "gimmick". Paste can be ordered separately and is priced on the "Pricing" page.) For additional information on NU - CON cept paste, please click here.

Note: The NU-CON cept Marking Solution is permanent, while NU - CON cept Marking Paste will begin to wear off cards after several hours of use. This has the advantage of having any evidence disappear over time, as well as using spectators own deck.

Marked Card Solution is fast and simple to apply to playing cards

In summary, the NU-CONcept daub / paste is applied right in front of spectator without their knowledge using the tip of your ring finger or pinky. Whereas, the NU-CONcept Solution is used to mark cards before they are used.

I personally believe the solution(s) are more deceptive than the daub. So, if  you can use your own cards or switch decks then I advise the use of the NU-CONcept Marking Solution(s). If you are forced to use someone else's cards then daub / paste if your best option.

The NU-CONcept Marked Card Solution is applied to the back of playing cards with a brush (supplied) or it can be sprayed on for a more even and controlled permanent finish. Marking a card may be accomplished in a matter of seconds, with less than 2-3 minute drying time. (When purchased, the NU - CON cept Luminous Solution comes complete with solution for 10 decks, artist's brush, gimmicks for your sunglasses and 21 pages of instructions with photographs - including thoughts, tips and ideas.)

All NU-CONcept Shade solutions has been reformulated to virtually eliminate the risk of burning/dulling the playing card's finish. No extra finishing coat is required, even on new playing card stock. Simply write or draw you marking pattern, blot, wipe off excess and let dry.

In addition, the NU-CONcept Luminous solution may be used on either red or blue backed playing cards. My instructions provide details on how to mark both red and blue decks. However, it should be noted that red backed cards are preferred, recommended, easier to mark and read.

Using NU-CONcept Luminous markings on blue cards will fool those people who think Luminous solutions only work on red backed playing cards. This adds to the deception and will fool more people who think they are "in-the-know". However, it should be noted that, in my opinion, blue Juice using FLASH marking patterns is more deceptive on blue backed cards. But, FLASH markings will take more practice to read.

Marks may be read in any environment, near or far

  • NU-CONcept luminous marked cards can be read from a close distance (1-2 feet) or across the room.
  • NU-CON cept luminous marked cards can be read indoors or outdoors (under normal light conditions).

Virtually any sunglasses may be used

  • You provide your own sunglasses. 

(Almost any pair of sunglasses will work, yet you are still the only person who can see the marks on the cards)

Note: It is common for gamblers to wear sunglasses while playing cards, just watch the annual 'World Series of Poker" at Binion's Horseshoe in Las Vegas. Gamblers do not want other players to look at their eyes and "read" emotion or discover "tells". When doing magic people can not see you looking at the back of cards.

  • I provide the NU-CONcept Marking solution and gimmick so that only you can read cards from the back. In the photo below, I am wearing gimmick to read playing cards.

luminous readers glasses  luminous marked cards before & after image

(Note: Glasses can be expensive Carrera’s (as depicted here) or cheap drug store sunglasses. The only requirement is that your sunglasses are of medium to dark tint. A very light tint will not work. Mirrored glasses will also work, but look suspicious, so they are not recommended.)

It is important to note that the sunglasses are yours. The sunglasses I always wear have a grayish/blue tint to them (But, that is my personal preference.)

 (Note: An old technique for marking cards, required that the “person in the know” wear glasses with a red tint to them. This looked very strange, since people do not wear red tinted sunglasses. You will notice in the photo above that my sunglasses are not red. They are standard Carrera sunglasses which people have become accustomed to me wearing almost all the time.)

Gimmick may be activated without any hand motion or unusual actions

  • When wearing your sunglasses, you will not be seeing the world through “rose-colored” glasses. Everything will appear normal until you wish to “activate” the secret (right in front of the spectator).

Engaging the gimmick involves no hand motion; you simply look in the appropriate direction (which cannot be seen, since you are wearing sunglasses) and the marks magically appear on the backs of the playing cards.

  • The gimmick used to read the cards can be added and removed at any time, to eliminate evidence.

Gimmick will not impair or discolor vision when not activated

  • You can wear the gimmick all the time without impairing vision or altering view of the world -or- keep the gimmick in your wallet. Once the gimmick is removed from your wallet, you can place it in position in a matter of seconds and you will be ready to fool your friends. The choice is yours !
  • Gimmick may be used to find out if your "friends" are using these marked cards against you in a game of poker, rummy, etc. Similar to how a casino may use the same gimmick to detect if this marking technique is being used against them. Think of the fun you can have if you can read your friends marked cards and they do not know that you too can see the marks.

Click on photo below to see enlarged view of how cards will look to others (and to you) though your sunglasses without activating/engaging the gimmick:

bycycle marked card smallorbee marked cards smallor Marking Paste

Only one of the above 5 cards, in each group, are marked !

(Video Clip is Available on "View Cards through activated gimmick" page (Bicycle Playing Cards Exposed View))

Can you guess which card is marked & what card it is (suite and value) ? Click on any card above to see enlarged view of cards and reveal markings. Shortly, you will see how the marks magically appear when viewed through the activated/engaged gimmick.



(It is illegal and immoral to use these marked cards while gambling in private or casino games)

