Marked Cards using NU-CONcept Technology (TM)

Learn how to make your own marked cards! - literally as simple as writing or drawing

NU-CONcept presents the finest in "shade" marked card technology

for the most popular playing cards as well as KEM


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All photos of NU-CONcept Marked Cards and text on these web pages are copyrighted 2001 ©

Comparison between

Luminous vs. Juice vs. Flash vs. Tint work

Marked Card Patterns

  Luminous Solution J  U  I  C  E          S o l u t i o n
  Luminous marked card patterns Juice marked card patterns Flash marked card patterns Tint work marked card patterns
Size of marking patterns (large patterns may be read up to 8 feet away; small patterns 2-4 feet distance) Small or large Small or large Small or large Small areas (Usually smaller than a dime)
Filter gimmick & your sunglasses required Yes No No No
What do marks look like? You read actual mark  left by the solution through the filter gimmick (easy to learn to read)

Can write actual card value & suite or geometric patterns, dots or lines

luminous marked cards

With practice you  read the actual mark left by the Juice Solution

Usually Geometric patterns, dots or lines strategically placed on back of card

Juice markings are cannot be seen by an untrained eye

With practice you read areas of the card which are NOT Juiced. They "Flash" out at you

Usually Geometric patterns, dots or lines strategically placed on back of card

Exaggerated Flash shown above

You  read the actual mark left by the Juice Solution

Does not require as much practice as Juice or Flash marking patterns

Usually a small area of the card is Tinted with a heavier application of Juice

Exaggerated Tint work shown above

Ease to mark cards Easy as writing or drawing Easy as writing or drawing Easy as writing or drawing Easy as writing or drawing
Ease to read marks (Scale of 1-4 where 1 is easy and 4 takes most practice) 1 4 3 2
Deceptiveness Very deceptive, but requires filter & sunglasses Most deceptive

NO filter or sunglasses

I personally find Juice parking patterns more deceptive than Flash. But, some people like Flash better.

 NO filter or sunglasses

Better than standard "professionally marked cards" (ie. scroll and block-out work). But, not as deceptive as Juice or Flash

No filter or sunglasses

Color of playing card back design Red works best

Blue backed cards have limited marking patterns available; red backed cards work better

Order red Juice for red cards

Order blue Juice for blue cards

Order red Juice for red cards

Order blue Juice for blue cards

Order red Juice for red cards

Order blue Juice for blue cards



(It is illegal and immoral to use these marked cards while gambling in private or casino games)

