Marked Cards using NU-CONcept Technology (TM)

NU-CONcept "SHADE" Marked Card Solutions - the Next Generation in Marked Card Technology

NU-CONcept  Luminous Shade (Permanent Marking Solution)

(Solution is available for standard US Playing Card Company Cards (*) or KEM playing cards)

    NU - CON cept Luminous Marked Card Paste / Daub

luminous marked card

Making your own marked cards is literally as simple as writing or drawing

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All photos of NU-CONcept Marked Cards and text on these web pages are copyrighted 2001 ©

What are luminous shade marked cards ?

  • When a spectator views luminous shade marked cards with their naked eyes, the marks are not visable. As a matter of fact, the closer they look or the brighter the light they use to find marks, the less they will see. In addition, the marks cannot be detected with UV light or by using the standard "riffle test" to detect marked cards.

View playing cards as others see them

  • The provided special filter gimmick, which is attached any pair of (medium to dark) sunglasses you own, is required to make the marks "almost magically" jump out at you. Enough filter to make 30 pairs of sunglasses is provided. (Note: Sunglasses are even popular in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) to prevent other players from detecting "tells" or reading facial expressions.)

View Bicycle cards through activated gimmick (Video clip available - WMV)

View Bee cards through activated gimmick (Video clip available - WMV)

  • Luminous shade marked cards are the easiest of all "SHADE" technologies to read because the filter gimmick makes marks visible

  • Luminous Shade works best on red backed playing cards. While it can work on blue backed cards, the limited contrast limits it practical use. (**)

  • Luminous marks may be made as large or as small as you desire (the choice is yours)

  • Large marks across the back of the card may be read up to 8+ feet away

  • Small marks may be applied, so spectators hands will not inhibit reading of the marks. In addition, small marks may can also be strategically placed so they can be viewed when multiple cards are being held in a spectators hand or if cards are laying on the table.

  • NU-CONcept Luminous Shade is a specially formulated solution which will not damage the finish on your cards

  • Cards marked with NU-CONcept Luminous solution are permanent and were tested for 500+ shuffles because I got tired of shuffling

(**) Note: For blue backed cards, JUICE for blue backed cards using FLASH or Tint Work marking patterns is best

Luminous Paste / Daub is also available

  • NU-CONcept Luminous paste / daub is designed to wear off borrowed cards. In this way, evidence will disappear over time

  • Four densities of paste / daub are available. The softest will wear off relatively quick (great for magic) and the hardest density will last the longest (several hours of use)

  • In general, unless you must use a borrowed deck, the NU-CONcept permanent solutions are the recommended product in most environments.



(*) NU - CON cept solutions were tested on the following name brand cards:

bicycle playing cardsorBee playing cardsor Tally-Ho playing cards or Hoyle playing cards OR KEM playing cards - arrow backKEM playing cards - casino club back


(It is illegal and immoral to use these marked cards while gambling in private or casino games)

